CDT Speak Up
Cambridge Display Technology (CDT) is fully committed to upholding the highest ethical and legal standards in the way it conducts its business, manages its employees and interacts with its community.
As part of this commitment, it is important for us to listen to our employees and external stakeholders, including suppliers, customers and members of the public. Any employee and any external person interested or involved in our business can bring a concern to our attention or report a breach of the law or of our Code of Conduct via multiple channels.
You can access the external speak-up using this link:
This external speak-up platform can be used anonymously, although it helps us to investigate the matter if you identify yourself.
We are fully committed to ensuring you are not victimised for bringing a concern to our attention or making a report (this link explains our approach to victimisation). In the same way, if you decide to remain anonymous, we will not take any step to identify you (this link provides guidance on how to remain anonymous).
Please be mindful that the links above are hosted by an external platform and you will be directed to Microsoft Azure server in Germany when you click them.
Once you bring a concern to our attention or make a report, it will be investigated by the ECO (Ethics & Compliance Officers) or the RLCO (Regional Legal & Compliance Officer), as appropriate.
You can also report an issue or raise a concern:
- directly to your line manager (if you are an employee);
- directly to the ECO;
- directly to the RLCO; or
- to our ultimate parent company, Sumitomo Chemical Company, in Tokyo, Japan, via
A copy of our new Regional Speak-up Policy can be found here.